Food Safety Implementation

Each food business has to implement food safety requirements and follow Good Hygiene Practices to ensure food is safe for the consumers. We help the clients in meeting the food safety requirements as per the mandated Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006 & its regulations. We also assist the clients in the implementation of voluntary food safety requirements which are accepted globally such as generation of the HACCP plan and its implementation on the factory floor to become a working system.

Setting up of food safety premise

Good Hygiene Practices as laid down in the Schedule 4 of Food Safety & Standards (Licensing & Registration of Food Businesses) Regulation, 2011 (they are in alignment with international sanitary practices as laid down by Codex) form the basis of food safety. We assist the clients in the implementation of these requirements while they design or upgrade their food premises and also through our periodic internal audits to ensure food safety and meet these legislative requirements.

HACCP Implementation

HACCP or Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points is a scientific and systematic approach to identify, assess and control of hazards in the food production process. With the HACCP system, food safety control is integrated into the design of the process rather than relying on end-product testing. Therefore HACCP system provides a preventive and thus cost-effective approach to food safety. In order to enhance food safety, every stage of food production (from purchasing, receiving, transportation, storage, preparation, handling, cooking to serving) should be carried out and monitored scrupulously.

We assist the food businesses in the implementation of HACCP in their premises accompanied by all the documentation.

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COMPLIMENTARY Consulting session!

If you wonder how our consulting solutions would benefit you and assist you in meeting your food safety requirements, we are happy to offer you a complimentary 30 mins Consulting session with our subject expert`. Click below to register now!