We offer other services such as the endorsement of fortified food products & organic foods by FSSAI. We also assist the importers in the import clearance under Food Import Clearance System (FICS) and food product approval of unspecified food products under Food Product Approval System (FPAS) of FSSAI.
Endorsement of Fortified Foods
The Food Safety And Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced the +F logo for fortified staple food products which will help people to identify which food products are rich in nutrients.
The manufacturer and packers who wish to procure the logo need to apply to FSSAI online as per Food Safety and Standards (Fortification of Foods) First Amendment Regulation 2020. After submission of the information, the verification process would be conducted by FSSAI. Once verified, the logo is an open file format will be provided to the applicant.
We provides consulting and technical services for Fortified foods Endorsement for all kind of Food Business Operators (FBO) involved in Food Business.
Endorsement of Organic Foods
The food business operator who is already Registered/Licensed under FSSAI, can be endorsed to organic food. They can use "Jaivik Bharat" logo on their product label.
We provides consulting and technical services for Organic and Fortified foods Endorsement for all kind of Food Business Operators (FBO) involved in Food Business.
Import Clearance
The food authority FSSAI which is the regulator of food in India has norms for the import, labeling and packaging of products that are imported to India laid down under Food Safety and Standards (Import) Regulations, 2017
.We assist our clients in applying for FSSAI Clearance, inspection and sampling of the consignment, generation of NOC from FSSAI, label checking and Sanitary Import Permit for Food Products and Ingredients from Department of Animal Husbandry.
Food Product Approval
FBOs that manufacture or import the products falling outside the purview of established Food standards and categorization system including those of novel food products and those manufactured using novel technology, are required to file an application for the Non-Specified Food Product or Food product/Ingredient Approval with FSSAI. FBOs are required to get this approval before its import or manufacturing in India.
Filing of the application requires a strategic approach from the approval perspective. We provide the best solution for this which enables filing of the unambiguous applications to FSSAI for speedy approvals.
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